The Ya-Native Podcast

#36 - A Prayer for Guidance

Reamus Episode 36

Great Spirit of us all you have made my body strong. Please fill me with your wisdom, so I'll know right from wrong.
Let me see myself as others also see me, so I'll know if my character agrees with how you say it should be.
Let me be slow to anger yet so quickly to forgive. Grant me patience oh Great Spirit, so happier my life I can live.
Teach me fairness so honor I can bring to you, with fairness you will judge my life when my days are finally through.
When war must be waged give us the strength and courage of the bear.
The cunning and endurance of the Wolf, so we can push our enemies back to their lair.

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Thank you for your continuing support. This Podcast is another tool for the Ya-Native Network, This may be the last stage to share our ideas openly.
Podcasting and videos are certainly outside my comfort zone, but it's a necessary means to help find a voice for those of us who can not be heard.

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